Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Too much reading!

OK, I've realized that I read too much to have a "Currently Reading" section on here. I'm always several books behind on it and unfortunately, I don't have the time to log in and update every time I start a new book.

So I'm going to change it to "Top Pick of Yesterday" and post my favorite book from whatever I've read the previous day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, lady! :)

I read High Noon & liked it, but noted on my blog that I'm getting kind of tired of the recycled plot lines. They're almost always the same. :(

Are you looking forward to Harry Potter? I'm bouncing up & down with excitement. :)

Lila Dubois said...

Hi lady. thank you SO MUCH for my pinata. I love it!!

Only you would be reading so many books that you can't keep up with it. You crazy reading addict cutie.

Ange - The Romance Groupie said...

Kaitlin (I can never figure out if I should call you Kaitlin or Bridget. LOL)

Yes, I saw that on your blog! I too have noticed similarities in the plots but I really alternate my reading in the romance subgenres, plus I read so much that I've just about seen it all anyway - so it doesn't really bother me.

Well, sometimes it bothers me but only when it's so obviously similar that I keep having deja vu moments when I'm readying.

Which, now that I come to think of it, I did actually have several with High Noon. But it didn't bother me because I'm not a real Nora Roberts fan... I basically read her out of desperation for something new and I don't buy them... only library. *shrug*